Đặt câu với từ "every mothers son|every mother son"

1. Every son feels like hollerin'.

2. I woke up every day for five years, the mother who lost her son.

3. The couple made every effort to satisfy their son.

4. Every man is the son of his own works. 

5. I'm a threat to every legitimate son in the kingdom.

6. How do we explain to our son why his mother and father keep moving every couple of years, changing their names, looking over their shoulders at every turn?

7. 2 Every man is the son of his own works. 

8. Q.. My pediatrician gives our son a flu shot every fall.

9. Son: Blacks: Refers to the way Blacks speak Ebonics and append the word "son" to every phrase

10. Every stitch bore evidence of her love and care for her son.

11. The mother feels empathy with her son.

12. Mother, I'm your third son-in-law.

13. Ask your mother, you son of bitch!

14. Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.

15. Every Day, the trail to my son' s killer gets a little bit colder

16. 24 And Peth·a·hiʹah son of Me·shezʹa·bel of the sons of Zeʹrah son of Judah was the king’s adviser* for every matter of the people.

17. There were significant similarities between mother and son.

18. Mother - son incest is rare and deeply pathological.

19. We find the mother featured in the son.

20. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.

21. Chi-Chi (チチ, Chichi) is the wife of Son Gokū and the mother of Son Gohan and Goten

22. Then he told her of every hoard he had hidden for the benefit of that son.

23. My son Axel and I have adventures every day, and we want to share them with you

24. For ten, eleven years he was a widower with every opportunity to marry and beget a son.

25. 19 Mrs White is worried about her son, since he spends every night boozing with his friends.

26. The meeting between the mother and her son was dramatic.

27. Every mother loves her children dearly.

28. He's the meanest son of a mother bitch in the courthouse.

29. The mother clung to her son as he said good-bye.

30. Sam's mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling.

31. Mother told her son not to welter in pleasure and idleness.

32. 🔊 The frustrated mother couldn't get her son to Cease whining

33. 50 These were the descendants of Aaron:+ El·e·aʹzar+ his son, Phinʹe·has his son, Ab·i·shuʹa his son, 51 Bukʹki his son, Uzʹzi his son, Zer·a·hiʹah his son, 52 Me·raʹioth his son, Am·a·riʹah his son, A·hiʹtub+ his son, 53 Zaʹdok+ his son, and A·himʹa·az his son.

34. Every mother breeds not sons alike. 

35. Every mother thinks her child beautiful. 

36. He visits his mother religiously every week.

37. “Whom Jehovah loves he disciplines,” says the Bible, and “he scourges every one whom he receives as a son.”

38. My husband and I challenged our son to read on his own from the Book of Mormon every day.

39. One month of free games and a gold coin to every Roman to celebrate the birth of my son.

40. Mother caressed his cheek lovingly before her son left for the front.

41. Mother wrote to her son for an enlargement of his baby's photograph.

42. At the same time, almost every evacuee mother and most of the Kiev mothers worried that their health had been affected by the accident.

43. 5 Her mother curled her hair every morning.

44. Mother, every day the surface dwellers grow stronger.

45. 10 Every mother thinks her child beautiful. 

46. His mother spoiled him indulging his every whim.

47. Every mother has affection for her own child.

48. Aby tells the mother and son to go inside and locks the door.

49. A wife salves her husband's wounds, a mother sings her son to sleep. "

50. Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry.

51. The Chinese lovingly named the numerator " the son " and the denominator " the mother ".

52. Lazy is a mother, she has a son: robbery, and a daughter: hunger.

53. Bitter for having nothing left but a pot, the son closes the door on every person who asks for his help.

54. “Whom Jehovah loves he disciplines,” says Hebrews 12:6, “in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son.”

55. So for the next two years, we just watched my son be taken away from me, little by little every day.

56. Her mother sends her a long epistle every week.

57. My mother goes to church every week without fail.

58. 30 Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry.

59. His mother wanted to have a son, so she borrowed my panties for luck.

60. A Child is the son or daughter in relation to the father or mother

61. The young mother does not know how to get along with her fidgety son.

62. son

63. 10 Of the priests: Je·daʹiah son of Joiʹa·rib, Jaʹchin,+ 11 Se·raiʹah son of Hil·kiʹah son of Me·shulʹlam son of Zaʹdok son of Me·raʹioth son of A·hiʹtub,+ a leader of the house* of the true God, 12 and their brothers who did the work of the house, 822; and A·daiʹah son of Je·roʹham son of Pel·a·liʹah son of Amʹzi son of Zech·a·riʹah son of Pashʹhur+ son of Mal·chiʹjah, 13 and his brothers, heads of paternal houses, 242; and A·mashʹsai son of Azʹar·el son of Ahʹzai son of Me·shilʹle·moth son of Imʹmer, 14 and their brothers who were mighty, courageous men, 128; and their overseer was Zabʹdi·el, a member of a prominent family.

64. 10 And of the priests, there were Je·daʹiah, Je·hoiʹa·rib, Jaʹchin,+ 11 Az·a·riʹah son of Hil·kiʹah son of Me·shulʹlam son of Zaʹdok son of Me·raʹioth son of A·hiʹtub, a leader of the house* of the true God, 12 A·daiʹah son of Je·roʹham son of Pashʹhur son of Mal·chiʹjah, Maʹa·sai son of Adʹi·el son of Jahʹze·rah son of Me·shulʹlam son of Me·shilʹle·mith son of Imʹmer, 13 and their brothers, heads of the paternal houses, 1,760 mighty, capable men available for the service of the house of the true God.

65. Our son... or, our son from our previous life.

66. 19 But a son who killed his mother was abhorrent to gods and to men.

67. The mother Appealed to the jury, begging them not to convict her allegedly innocent son

68. When a meddlesome mother enrolls in university with her son, old and new worlds collide.

69. Amber is a vivacious single mother whose world revolves around her 13-year-old son

70. Elijah brings the boy down to his mother and says: “See, your son is alive.”

71. 17 In the States, a poor enclave , home to a pair of mother and son.

72. The bride's mother, flower girl daughter, and son Benjamin, and Nicolas'son Weston were all present.

73. “We view our son as a hardwood tree in a forest,” says his mother, Laurie.

74. Therefore , every effort must be made to promote lactation , even among sick and malnourished mothers.

75. Alright, son.

76. Beautiful son.

77. Your son?

78. 13 synonyms for Asshole: dickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, prick, bastard, son of a bitch, whoreson

79. A mother gets into a shouting match with her son because of his messy room.

80. Every morning I take my son to school. And he enjoys listening to the English programmer on the way. One of my passengers once said my son is very clever to kill two birds with one stone.